Why autumn is a good time to change jobs

Why autumn is a good time to change jobs

Fall is upon us. Days are conspicuously shorter. With summer over, before the madness of Christmas begins, autumn is an excellent time to consider your next career move.

Accounting for variables like the economy and your specific industry niche, the best time to look for a job is during the magical time between the end of summer and the beginning of winter, also known as autumn.

That’s because every year when autumn rolls around we see an increase in job opportunities and candidate applications, so if you’re considering making a move, now is the perfect time to commence your search. Here’s why…

Holidays are over 

It’s no secret that more people are out of the office over the summer holidays, getting some much-needed respite. As a result, across the board, business tends to be slower. But, come September, things begin to pick up speed again as the key decision makers return to work, ready to get back into the swing of things.

Once normality returns in autumn, most companies begin planning their goals for the new calendar year. New goals can entail structural changes, including internal moves and promotions, creating a wealth of new opportunities for job seekers.

Seasonal jobs become available

Many businesses become increasingly busy during the countdown to Christmas, requiring them to expand their workforce to keep things running smoothly. This produces an abundance of temporary vacancies.

Temporary work might not suit your long-term career goals, but most employees will try to find permanent positions for good employees, so you could get a permanent job in the long run.

More positions are available

As mentioned above, autumn is the time of year that many businesses begin to set goals and make plans for the upcoming year. Often, this will require expanding their teams or creating new roles. Autumn typically sees a significant rise in vacancies compared to the summer months. Having more available jobs means you have a higher chance securing one you really want!

The hiring process is faster 

Recruitment is often a priority during autumn, so the hiring process is much more efficient. Businesses are often in the middle of the quiet summer months and the hectic Christmas period, so they can focus on interviewing candidates. As such, the hiring process is smoother overall, and candidates find it much easier as they don’t have to wait too long to hear back from employers and get started in their new role.

Getting settled before Christmas

Why wait if you’re considering making a move in the New Year? January is a great time to look for a new role as it typically sees the most vacancies throughout the year, but the number of people applying for new roles tends to increase too. In addition, if you consider the notice period you’re required to give, looking for a position during autumn will provide you with enough time to settle into a new role before Christmas.

Are you looking for a new role?

If you’re looking for a new job, you can check out our current vacancies here. Alternatively, you can contact our team by calling us on 028 95 219 313 or emailing us at info@bluestones-staffing.co.uk, and a team member will be happy to help you find a new position.


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